About Andilyn

Certified Life Coach

Andilyn Jenkins

I spent ten years as a stay-at-home-mom before embarking on my career-discovery journey. That journey started as a work-from-home copy editor and content writer, direct salesperson, and a part-time children’s drama teacher. But juggling it all left me overwhelmed and off-balance.

During that time, I discovered life coaching and became fascinated with the human mind. I began coaching friends and family members and read everything I could about psychology and self-help. I began dreaming big.

Then everything changed when trauma hit my family in a big way. I went into survival mode and the off-balance dance I was barely managing came toppling down. I reached for stability and security in the form of a then-life-saving 9-5 job as a writer for a local corporation, and we all adjusted to full-time working momlife.

I grew as a writer, businessperson, and professional. I met lovely people and developed lasting friendships. But the itch to coach couldn’t be muted, and while I worked my day-job, I pursued life coaching certification and deep healing with my family.

In 2023, my life coaching business reached a breaking point, and I decided it was time to say goodbye to my corporate job and pursue coaching full-time.

Now, I bring the school of hard knocks and five+ years of personal study and practice to you. I see you. I’m so glad you’re here. Let’s begin.

Andilyn Jenkins, Certified Life Coach