Stop Sharpening Pencils and Get to Work

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Setting goals is one of the most powerful ways to shape our future. We’ve all been there: we dream up grand plans, map out detailed strategies, and pour hours into researching the best ways to achieve our objectives. But we reach a point when we tell our brains we’re moving forward with these plans, when we’re actually just spinning our wheels in overwhelm and fear. My sister (an Enneagram Three) calls this work, sharpening pencils.

Here’s the hard truth: planning does not equal progress, thinking does not equal traction, and research does not equal rewards. It’s easy to get caught up in the preparation phase and mistake it for actual movement. But to turn your aspirations into reality, you need more than just a good plan—you need action.

The Pitfalls of Over-Planning

It’s tempting to think that the more we plan, the closer we get to our goals. While a well-thought-out plan is important, it’s only a starting point. Planning involves outlining steps, setting deadlines, and anticipating obstacles. However, it does not automatically bring us closer to our destination.

A plan without action is like a roadmap left in the glove compartment of an unmoving car. It provides direction but does nothing to drive you forward. The act of planning can sometimes become a form of procrastination. We feel productive when we draft to-do lists or schedule meetings, but these activities don’t always translate into tangible progress.

The Illusion of Thinking

Thinking about your goals can be incredibly motivating. Visualizing success and strategizing ways to overcome challenges can give you a sense of accomplishment. But here’s where it gets tricky: thinking alone doesn’t create results. It’s easy to get lost in mental rehearsals and theoretical scenarios, but this mental work needs to be complemented by physical action.

Imagine a sports team that spends hours analyzing their opponents and perfecting their game strategies but never actually steps onto the field. All the planning and thinking in the world won’t help them win the game if they don’t play it. Similarly, while mental preparation is valuable, it must be followed by action to see real outcomes.

The Limits of Research

Research is crucial for informed decision-making. Gathering information, understanding market trends, and learning from others’ experiences can set you up for success. Yet, research alone does not guarantee rewards. It’s akin to a chef studying recipes without ever cooking a meal. The knowledge you gain from research needs to be applied in real-world scenarios to yield results.

Excessive research can sometimes lead to “analysis paralysis,” where you become so overwhelmed by information that you struggle to make decisions or take the next step. At some point, you need to put your knowledge to use and test your ideas in practice.

Bridging the Gap: From Plan to Action

So, how do you bridge the gap between planning, thinking, and doing? Here are a few actionable steps to ensure that your efforts translate into progress:

  1. Set Clear, Actionable Goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, actionable tasks. This makes it easier to track progress and ensures that you are taking concrete steps toward your objectives.
  2. Establish Accountability: Share your goals with someone you trust or work with a coach (I know where you can find one 😉). Having someone to hold you accountable can provide the motivation needed to push beyond planning and into action.
  3. Create a Timeline: Set deadlines for each of your tasks and milestones. This will help you stay on track and prevent the common trap of indefinite planning.
  4. Start Small: Begin with manageable tasks to build momentum. Small wins can lead to bigger successes and help you overcome inertia.
  5. Build Habits: Consistency (like, forever and ever) is the time-honored solution to success. Dedicate time to work on your goals and then build them into your life in a way that makes them attractive and simple.
  6. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly assess your progress and be willing to adjust your plans based on what you’ve learned from your actions and experiences.

The Next Right Thing

Turning your goals into achievements requires more than just a great plan or a brilliant idea. It demands action. While planning, thinking, and researching are crucial parts of the process, they are not substitutes for execution. To truly move from aspirations to accomplishments, you need to take proactive steps, stay consistent, and continually apply what you’ve learned. Remember, progress is the result of doing, not just planning. So, roll up your sleeves and start taking action—your goals are waiting for you to make them a reality.

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